HIZEN celadons produced at Arita and Imari areas in Japan from 1630's to 1790's (Edo period) have been investigated by means of X-ray fl uorescence analysis, and X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectra using synchrotron radiation. It is found that, in the HIZEN celadons, the color brightness of the celadon glazes depends on the structural property of the raw basic ceramics taken at Imaizumi (Arita) and Ohkwachi (Imari), where the former is mainly Quartz-SiO 2 , and the later is Sanidine ((K,Na)Si 3 O 8 ). It is confi rmed that CaCO 3 of natural wood ash added artifi cially into the raw celadon ceramics makes a glassy glaze on the surface of the basic body of the HIZEN celadons. Transition-metal ions (Cr, Cu, Zn) of very small amount are detected in the celadon glazes, in addition to Fe and Mn of small amount. It is considered that Cu and Cr are related to the color brightness of green-brown and blue-green in the HIZEN celadon glazes, respectively. Keywords: HIZEN celadons, celadon glaze, microstructure.
Celadons (http://www.ceramicanorio.com/aprendendoourelembrando/celadon/celadon.html) Hizen produzidos nas áreas de Arita e Imari no Japão nos anos de 1630 a 1790 (período Edo) foram investigados por meio de análise de fl uorescência de raios X, difração de raios X e espectros de absorção usando radiação síncrotron. Foi descoberto que nos celadons Hizen o brilho na coloração dos esmaltes celadon depende da propriedade estrutural da matéria-prima cerâmica extraída em