Objective: To determine the characteristics and outcome of acute-on-chronic liver failure patients being managed at PakEmirates Military Hospital Rawalpindi.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study.
Place and Duration of Study: Department of Gastroenterology at Pak-Emirates Military Hospital, Rawalpindi, from Sep 2018 to Jan 2021.
Methodology: In this study, 1559 patients diagnosed with cirrhosis were studied. Patients with pre-existing chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiac failure, dementia, and stroke were excluded. All the relevant features of each case were recorded in the proforma.
Results: Out of 1559 patients, 67 had Acute-on-chronic liver failure. The majority of patients who presented with acute-onchronic liver failure were in grade Ib (55%), followed by grade II (30%). Hepatitis C virus related liver cirrhosis was the commonest underlying liver disease (78.4%). Drugs were the commonest triggering factor (33%), followed by acute viral hepatitis (27%). However, a large number of patients had no identifiable cause (25.4%).
Conclusion: Acute-chronic-liver failure is common in patients presenting with acute decompensation of liver cirrhosis. Patients undergoing liver transplantation in the correct window period, have good prognosis.