Fungal influenced corrosion (FIC) of some corroded sites in three selected bridges [Embaba bridge (E-bridge), Kasr al-Nile-bridge (K-bridge) and University bridge (U-bridge)] located over the River Nile in Egypt were investigated. Six fungal species, belong to 12 fungal genera, were isolated from the corroded reinforced concrete of the three tested bridges. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was screened for the most dominant fungal species (Fusarium oxysporium) which showed in all tested bridges that indicated the presence of amine group accompanied with polysaccharides contents. FIC of the most deteriorated bridge (K-bridge) was documented with FTIR. The association of fungal spores with corrosion products was recorded with scanning electron microscope (SEM). Evaluation of ozone for preventing FIC of the K-bridge was carried out by recording the corrosion rate and the corresponding inhibition efficiency (IE%). No mycelial growth with 100% IE was observed at 3 ppm ozone concentration after 120 min exposure time. With longer duration of ozone exposure, the membrane permeability of F. oxysporium was compromised as indicated by protein and nucleic acid leakages accompanied with lipid and tryptophan oxidation. The total intracellular and extracellular proteins of F. oxysporium were run on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) indicated the increasing of the supernatant protein on the expense of the cellular protein bands with extending ozone exposure time (0-80 min).