The COVID-19 pandemic occurred at a high spreading rate with sudden pattern
changes, high variability, and unpredictability. This generated uncertainty
making it hard for authorities to predict, plan and conventionally prepare
preventive and suppressive actions. As a result, governments worldwide had
to find new, more comprehensive, and complex solutions to manage the health
sector in a turbulent environment. The paper's main objective is to analyze
different organizational practices that respond to the COVID-19 crisis
regarding healthcare sector resilience and describe best practices. Health
sector authorities should consider applying the ?new mode of governance,?
which refers to a policy not limited to a single approach with less
hierarchy and formalism and with a flatter governance structure. Countries
that have had more success in COVID-19 crisis suppression applied "dynamic
resilience" with decentralization in decision-making, a more important role
of front-line healthcare providers, high transparency, and flexibility
enabling continuous adaptation to rapidly changing conditions.