Listening to decreasing sound level leads to an increasing-loudness aftereffect, whereas listening to increasing sound level leads to a decreasing-loudness aftereffect. Measuring the aftereffects by nulling them in short test stimuli reveals that increasing-loudness aftereffects are greater than decreasingloudness aftereffects. However, this perceptual asymmetry may be due to another illusion-the growing-louder effect: In the absence of any adaptation, short steady stimuli are heard as growing louder. In an experiment in which the duration of test stimuli varied from 1.0 to 2.5 sec, the growinglouder effect did not occur in the longer test stimuli, but the asymmetry in changing-loudness aftereffects remained. The aftereffect asymmetry is therefore independent of the growing-louder effect. The aftereffect asymmetry is consistent with other psychophysical and physiological evidence that is believed to concern potential collision: An approaching sound-source elicits increasing sound level. In addition, the aftereffect asymmetry parallels a well-known asymmetry regarding aftereffects of visual motion, which is also attributed to potential collision.