Rotation curves of galaxies show a wide range of shapes, which can be paramaterized as scatter in V rot (1kpc)/V max i.e. the ratio of the rotation velocity measured at 1 kpc and the maximum measured rotation velocity. We examine whether the observed scatter can be accounted for by combining scatters in disc scale-lengths, the concentration-halo mass relation, and the M -M halo relation. We use these scatters to create model galaxy populations; when housed within dark matter halos that have universal, NFW density profiles, the model does not match the lowest observed values of V rot (1kpc)/V max and has too little scatter in V rot (1kpc)/V max compared to observations. By contrast, a model using a mass dependent dark matter profile, where the inner slope is determined by the ratio of M /M halo , produces galaxies with low values of V rot (1kpc)/V max and a much larger scatter, both in agreement with observation. We conclude that the large observed scatter in V rot (1kpc)/V max favours density profiles that are significantly affected by baryonic processes. Alternative dark matter core formation models such as SIDM may also account for the observed variation in rotation curve shapes, but these observations may provide important constraints in terms of core sizes, and whether they vary with halo mass and/or merger history.