PCI extensions for instrumentation (PXI) chassis is a multi-vendor interoperable device. It can interconnect with many chassis, module and computers. To make sure a device driver is able to function in a specific configuration, it must go through a series of tests. The complexity of PXI software testing has increased when it needs to cover multiple configurations for a single driver. Majority of the automated test systems will execute tests without having the mechanism to verify the test environment. To improve the PXI chassis driver test duration, the current trend of automated software testing only executes a single test configuration. Thus, an automated test software with the capability to execute multi-test configuration is required. In order to develop this tool, a server-client concept is adopted. The advantage of server-client is to centralize the testing when multiple tests are performed. The software tool client will start once it is booted into the operating system; the test system will connect to server and wait for further action from server. When server detects incoming client connection, it will automatically verify and fix the testing environment; if the client fulfills the test suite requirement it will start to execute the test system. All client test summary results will be updated to the server. The results show an average of 17.1% test duration reduction on the planned test configuration when the automated software tool is applied on testing. Besides, the results indicate higher controller hardware performance can reduce the test duration.