A recent publication found that lung cancer screening of high risk smokers and ex-smokers is cost-effective in Ontario, Canada. The carefully designed modeling by Ten Haaf et al.(1) agrees with many recent studies-lung cancer screening saves lives at a reasonable cost. Other studies that were based on either the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) (2) or the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (I-ELCAP) (3) results have come to this same conclusion. Of note, ten Haaf presents a scenario (scenario 11) where screening reduces deaths from lung cancer by over 80%, which is consistent with I-ELCAP findings. Several other features of ten Haaf's work are notable, including his recognition that "false positives" found by lung cancer screening are very rarely harmful, and that improvements in protocols since NLST will likely further improve cost effectiveness.Lung cancer is the biggest cancer killer, consuming 160,000 US lives each year, so the potential number of lives to be saved are staggering.The consensus of favorable cost-benefit across recent studies is remarkable, because the studies have varied in many ways, including the national system modeled and the populations modeled (2-5), the bases of costs and mortality, the projection period, whether inflation or discounting were considered and other methodological issues. Lung cancer screening is truly robust. Earlier studies that assumed ineffective screening (6) of course concluded that LC screening would be non-cost-effectiveness. The sharp divide between NLST-type assumptions and anti-NLST assumptions was somehow missed by a recent literature review (7).Competent cost-effectiveness analysis in its various guises (cost-benefit, average cost-effectiveness, increment cost effectiveness, etc.) requires real-world modeling of a population's health. Although it is common to model "perfect" compliance, costs must be real and documentable, and impacts are modeled for a population that is followed for long enough-through death for LC screening. In other words, the analysis simulates the lives of at-risk individuals-morality, cost and outcomes year-by-yearwith or without screening. Modeling a population's health dynamics year-by-year avoids errors from misinterpreting short-term results. For lung cancer screening, year-by-year modeling of the shift to diagnosing earlier cancer stages produced relatively uniform results across studies.Modeling and extrapolating results is fundamental to progress and population health. In the mid-1800s, actuaries developing mortality tables invented a Kaplan Meier-like methodology to construct full mortality tables, since the emerging life insurance business did not have the luxury of waiting for a full cohort of births to be observed until everyone died. In healthcare, actuarial and microeconomic models are designed to be credible to decision-makers in business and payers. These models typically inform decision makers among payers, business and government. Such decision makers often have in-depth knowledge of costs,