Structure-property relationships for polymerized ionic liquids (PILs) relate chemical structure to ionic conductivity and reveal the importance of glass transition temperature ( T g ) and the energy associated with an ion-hopping mechanism for ion conduction for a series of alkyl-substituted vinylimidazolium PILs. The alkyl-substituted vinylimidazolium-based PILs with varying lengths of n -alkyl substituents provide diverse precursors with exchangeable anions to further enhance thermal stability and ionic conductivity. As the anion size increases, regardless of alkyl substituent length, T g decreases and the onset of weight loss, T D , increases. As the length of the alkyl substituent increases, T g decreases for PILs with Br − and BF 4 − counteranions. Ionic conductivity increases over an order of magnitude upon exchange of the counteranion from TfO − < Tf 2 N − . due to their unique combination of physical properties including high thermal stability, wide electrochemical window, negligible vapor pressure, and potentially high ionic conductivities. [3][4][5][6][7] Two particular classes of ILs are polymerizable ILs (PILs) that contain polymerizable functional groups and room temperature ILs (RTILs) with melting temperatures at or below room temperature. [ 8 ] Potential applications have included electrolytes in electromechanical transducers, artifi cial muscle fabrication, and non-volatile solvents for a myriad of chemical reactions. [ 9 ] Chen and Elabd investigated the solution properties and subsequent formation of electrospun fi bers of an imidazolium-containing methacrylate-based PIL. [ 10 ] This study revealed solution properties similar to polyelectrolyte solutions, and electrospun fi bers formed with intermediate fi ber diameters and onset of fi ber formation between polyelectrolyte and neutral polymers. The fi brous mats exhibited promising ionic conductivities at room temperature, and upon swelling with a RTIL, ionic conductivities were on the order of 10 mS cm − 1 . Long and co-workers also investigated the impact of counteranion on the solution and thermal properties of ammoniumbased polyelectrolytes. [ 11 ] Our study revealed the important infl uence of anion selection on the T g of the polyelectrolyte, and we observed polyelectrolyte electrospinning