The current study presents the evaluation of the mechanical behavior of an asphalt mixture using the alternative aggregate boiler coke ash, an element that originates in nickel processing. Hereby, we have focused the research on the runways for military purposes, which marks a great difference to the existing commercial runways in the Western Brazilian Amazon. This area suffers extreme heat, with temperatures oscillating up to 80 °C on the corresponding asphalts. This leads to deformations that are the main aim of the present investigation and the main consideration of fatigue damage. The main property of the alternative aggregate, whose granulometry composes the fine elements of the asphalt mix, is the pozzolanity that acts as a cement in the putty of the mix. Based on our experimental approaches, there is a significant improvement in the results of the tests standardized by DNIT, ABNT and DIRENG, allowing the technical and economic evaluation of the used mixture. Another fundamental aspect is the reduction of the volume of waste disposed of in nickel processing plants in Brazil.