Abstract. Integrated cross sections for the n = 1 and 2 states of atomic hydrogen are calculated by the convergent-close-coupling method for a range of closely spaced energies just above the n = 2 threshold. The cross sections are compared with those calculated by a pseudo-state calculation, and two other methods that also converge, in principle, to the exact result. These are the intermediate-energy R-matrix method and the convergent J -matrix method. Experimental data are described very well by all of these theories.Three types of calculation that converge, in principle, to the exact solution of the electronatom scattering problem are applied to the electron-hydrogen problem at energies just above the n = 2 excitation threshold.The intermediate-energy R-matrix (IERM) method (Burke et al 1987) has recently been applied to this problem by Odgers et al (1995). In this method the Schrödinger equation for the interaction of two electrons and a proton is solved inside a spherical box, chosen so that exchange can be neglected in the external region. The solution is matched to external solutions with appropriate boundary conditions. Loss of flux into the continuum is accounted for by describing the motion of the atomic electron in terms of the same one-electron bound and continuum basis as is used to describe the motion of the scattering electron. R-matrix methods are convenient for calculating a range of closely spaced energies, once the internal solution has been computed.Odgers et al display the effect of the target continuum in their calculation by comparing it with a 15-state R-matrix calculation by Fon et al (1995), which has essentially converged to the limit of a close-coupling calculation that couples only discrete channels. Just above the n = 2 threshold the effect of the continuum is a substantial reduction in the integrated cross sections for n = 2 excitations.The J -matrix (JM) method (Broad and Reinhardt 1976) has been applied to hydrogen in a similar energy region by Konovalov and McCarthy (1994). In this method the Schrödinger equation for the scattering problem is solved in a square-integrable basis, for which both the atomic and scattering electron are represented by finite sets of Laguerre functions. Cross sections converge as the basis size is increased. Calculation of cross sections for a range of closely spaced energies involves little more computational labour than for a single energy.The IERM results presented by Odgers et al (1995) and JM cross sections for n = 2 excitations differ, usually by up to 20% (Odgers et al 1995) in the energy range below §