“…This propagation of the meridional dipole in atmospheric pressures is co‐located with a similar propagating dipole in SSTs (Figures e, f, and ) and is equivalent barotropic with higher‐than‐normal atmospheric pressures situated over warmer‐than‐normal SSTs. As noted above, previous theoretical results (Goodman & Marshall, ; Ferreira et al, ; Farneti, ; Fang & Yang, ) highlight that this equivalent barotropic structure can sustain the oceanic and atmospheric anomalies through positive feedbacks in which the wind stress curl associated with the atmospheric anomaly induces changes in SSTs via vertical and horizontal advection (Farneti, ; Yi et al, ; Kwon et al, ; Qiu et al, ; Fang & Yang, , ). By altering the large‐scale meridional temperature gradient, the SST anomalies in turn modify the baroclinicity of the overlying atmosphere and give rise to anomalous transient eddy activity that sustains the large‐scale, low‐frequency atmospheric anomalies through vorticity flux convergence (Fang & Yang, ; Kushnir et al, ; Lau & Nath, ; Xue et al, ; Zhou et al, ).…”