is present study was carried out to check the feasibility of different cellulose fibers obtained from cropped virgin cellulose, blenched eucalyptus, and araucaria pulps through different new environmentally friendly curing processes for fiber-cement production. e aim is to introduce the different sources of cellulose fibers with lower cost to produce the "fiber-cement without autoclave" (FCWA). e slurries used in the experiments contain approximately 8% wt. of cellulose. e influence of the waste marble powder addition to the cement mixture was also studied. e physical and mechanical properties of the products which were prepared with this method under different curing conditions were investigated. e mechanical properties of eucalyptus cellulose appear to offer the best combination, especially after longer air-cure cycles. e results showed that the production of FCWA is very economical by using waste marble powders. And moreover, two new types of cellulose fibers (eucalyptus and araucaria celluloses; EuC and ArC, resp.), which provide a better density and packing in the fiber-cement leading to better modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) values as virgin cellulose (ViC), are very usable for production of the fiber-cement in industrial scale.