Migraine, mainly without aura, is influenced by cyclical hormones changes that occur during the women's reproductive life [1][2][3][4] . It is predominantly during the menstrual period that attacks occur and, in some cases, exclusively 5 . The most accepted hypothesis for the physiopathology of attacks during menstruation lies in the sharp decrease of estrogens durestrogens dur-during the premenstrual period 1,5,6 . However, the majority of the pregnant women that are migraine sufferers before pregnancy show migraine improvement or even disappearance during pregnancy 7,8 . Absence of cyclical hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, mainly estrogens that rise during this period, is pointed as one of the most important causes of such behavior 4,8 . AbsTRACT Objectives: To observe postpartum migraine recurrence among migraine sufferers before pregnancy, its classifications and associated factors and to compare women, who were exclusively breastfeeding, with those that used other forms of infant feeding. Methods: Out of 686 consecutively assisted women, at the first postnatal week, 266 were identified as migraine sufferers before pregnancy. Among those, one in five that were exclusively breastfeeding (53) and all the ones consecutively using others forms of infant feeding (40) were interviewed at the first and forth postpartum weeks. Results: After multivariable analysis, exclusive breastfeeding, no breastfeeding problems, and low income were associated with decrease in migraine recurrence at the first postpartum week. At the fourth week, exclusive breastfeeding continued to be a protective factor. Conclusions: A decrease in postpartum migraine recurrence seems to be another advantage of exclusive breastfeeding.Key words: migraine without aura, migraine with aura, breast feeding, postpartum period.
REsumoObjetivos: Observar a recorrência de enxaqueca no período pós-parto em mulheres com enxaqueca antes da gestação, suas classificações e fatores associados e comparar mulheres que apenas amamentavam com aquelas que alimentavam seus filhos de outro modo. Métodos: De 686 mulheres consecutivamente assistidas na primeira semana pós-parto, 266 foram identificadas como portadoras de enxaqueca antes da gestação. Destas, uma em cada cinco que se encontravam amamentando exclusivamente (53) e aquelas que usavam outras modalidades de alimentação (40) foram entrevistadas na primeira e quarta semanas pós-parto. Resultados: Após análise multivariada, observou-se que praticar aleitamento materno exclusivo, não ter problemas relacionados à amamentação e ter baixa renda estavam associados à diminuição da recorrência da enxaqueca na primeira semana pós-parto. Na quarta semana, a prática do aleitamento materno exclusivo continuou sendo fator protetor em relação à enxaqueca. Conclusões: A diminuição da recorrência da enxaqueca pós-parto parece ser uma vantagem adicional do aleitamento materno exclusivo.Palavras-Chave: enxaqueca sem aura, enxaqueca com aura, aleitamento materno, período pós-parto.