To foster harmonious social interactions in the life of Indonesia's plural society, multicultural education needs to be implemented in schools as a formal education environment that plays a role in fostering noble character in students. This study aims to describe multicultural education in the UPI Pilot Laboratory Junior High School, Bumi Siliwangi and Cibiru campuses, to improve students' multicultural competence. The research approach used is a qualitative case study method. The data collection techniques are observation, in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The data analysis techniques are data reduction, data display, and verification. Test the validity of the data using triangulation. The informants were the Principal and a number of PPKn and Social Studies teachers at the school. The results of his research include: (1) In general, principals and teachers already understand the concept of multicultural education and the importance of applying it to students; (2) The implementation of multicultural education in the school environment, among others, is carried out in PPKn (Pancasila and Citizenship Education) and IPS (Social Sciences) subjects by linking a number of materials relevant to diversity, and implemented through innovative learning models that are meaningful for students; (3) Strengthening students' multicultural competence is also carried out through a number of principal policies, extra-curricular activities, and the creation of a school climate and environment that reflects the principles of multiculturalism.