Aim:The aim of this study is to determine the severity of insomnia of academicians working in the field of health sciences in the COVID-19 pandemic.Method: This research in descriptive design was conducted between 20 March -31 May 2020 with 114 academic staff working in the field of Health Sciences of a university in the Black Sea Region. "Questionnaire form" and "Insomnia Severity Index (ISI)" were used to collect the data. Number, percentage distribution, mean, standard deviation, one way anova and unpaired t test were used to evaluate the data.Results: In the study, the average score of ISI of academicians was 10.40±5.50, female had 11.24±5.44, male had 9.77±5.50, research assistants had 13.46±3.92 and those with any ailments had an average score of 10.72±6.01. No statistically significant differences were found between gender, academic title, and having any ailment and ISI (p>0.05). When evaluated according to the breakpoints of the scale, it was found that 44.7% of the academicians had the lower threshold of insomnia, 22.8% had moderate clinical insomnia, and 0.9% had severe clinical insomnia.
Conclusion and Suggestions:In the study, it was found that female academicians, research assistants and academicians with any ailments were exposed to insomnia at a higher rate. In addition, it was determined that almost half of the academicians were at the lower threshold of insomnia.