“…Objects are depicted in the same scale (drawings Apa: after Bader, 1991, Tables 5.25, 6.27;Vulpe, 1970, Tables 18.291, 57.238, 58.299;Tégl as: after Kemenczei, 1991, Tables 1.3, 87.A2;Hajdús amson: after Vulpe, 1970, T A B L E 2 Chemical composition of the bronzes determined with ICP-Q-MS and normalised to 100% in mass% (data: N. Hungary, of the same type as well as another one from Stensgård, Sjaelland, Denmark (Bunnefeld, 2016a, p. 40). Moreover, there were two swords from the hoard find of Nebra, Burgenlandkreis, Germany, and a sword from Rind, Midtjylland, Denmark, all of which are close to the Apa-Hajdús amson type (Bunnefeld, 2016a(Bunnefeld, , 2016bMeller, 2010Meller, , 2013aMeller, , 2013b. Another full-hilted sword from Guldbjerg, Syddanmark, Denmark, in turn belongs to a form close to the Oradea variant, but is typologically also closely related to the other finds (Bunnefeld, 2016a(Bunnefeld, , 2016b.…”