Abstract. If you are a geoscientist doing work to achieve impact
outside academia or engaging different audiences with the geosciences, are
you planning to make this publishable? If so, then plan. Such investigations
into how people (academics, practitioners, other publics) respond to
geoscience can use pragmatic, simple research methodologies accessible to
the non-specialist or be more complex. To employ a medical analogy, first
aid is useful and the best option in some scenarios, but calling a medic
(i.e. a collaborator with experience of geoscience communication or relevant
research methods) provides the contextual knowledge to identify a condition
and opens up a diverse, more powerful range of treatment options. Here, we
expand upon the brief advice in the first editorial of Geoscience Communication (Illingworth et al., 2018), illustrating what constitutes robust and publishable work in
this context, elucidating its key elements. Our aim is to help geoscience
communicators plan a route to publication and to illustrate how good
engagement work that is already being done might be developed into
publishable research.