Jamaahkreatifsektorselatan (#jkss) is a branding activity, a creative campaign to build collective identity through community, image, networking and creative entrepreneurship in the field of art and design in Makassar. This article was compiled as a medium to convey the campaign in a broader scope, becoming a benchmark for the effectiveness of this campaign in building the community's creative vision, as scientific responsibility as well as door for networking between the creative community with the academic communities and becoming the next stage of evaluation. This creative campaign was conducted to synchronize the vision and potential behaviors of several creative communities in the south of Makassar, arranged in one identity that can be used together. This effort was built through three steps, specifically mapping the potential of the creative community, initiating a collective space/creative hub to support communities diffuse out activities, and social campaigns using hashtag (#) on social media. Campaign conceptions are done with the Design Thinking approach from IDEO. Creating a collective creative identity is connected through the collaborative management of publications and communication with fellow communities, exchange of information to share simple ideas for creative presentation/creative sharing. The systematic stages and the creative campaign of collective identity through the hashtag #jamaahkreatifsektorselatan on social media can be appreciated as an effort to build creative atmosphere, as a creative city branding that can be developed into a new creative identity for Makassar. Creative imagery from this region particularly can contribute to supporting Makassar's image as one of the creative cities in Indonesia. From this study concluded that community initiatives in responding to their surrounding area, utilizing technological innovations and social media improvement, can contribute to a better creative image of the city.