“…Previous records: Seamounts of the North Chain , Atol das Rocas (Crosnier and Forest, 1966;Coelho and Ramos, 1972;Christoffersen, 1979Christoffersen, , 1998Paiva et al, 2007;Souza et al, 2011), Fernando de Noronha Alves et al, 2008;Souza et al, 2011), Piauí (Ramos-Porto et al, 1996, Paraíba , Pernambuco (Ramos-Porto et al, 1996;Souza et al, 2011), Alagoas (Coelho et al, 1983;Silva and Calado, 2002), Bahia (Christoffersen, 1979;Carqueija et al, 1995;Serejo et al, 2006Serejo et al, , 2007Almeida et al, 2007aAlmeida et al, , 2012, Espírito Santo (Serejo et al, 2007), Rio de Janeiro (Christoffersen, 1979(Christoffersen, , 1982, São Paulo (Ejchel, 1965;Christoffersen, 1979Christoffersen, , 1982Pires-Vanin et al, 1997;Costa et al, 2000), Paraná (Christoffersen, 1979(Christoffersen, , 1982, Santa Catarina (Christoffersen, 1979(Christoffersen, , 1982Boos et al, 2012), and Rio Grande do Sul (Christoffersen, 1979(Christoffersen, , 1982. Locality not provided: Coelho et al (1980), Coelho and Ramos-Porto (1995), Spivak ...…”