Understanding neurite growth regulation remains a seminal problem in neurobiology. During development and regeneration, neurite growth is modulated by neurotrophin-activated signaling endosomes that transmit regulatory signals between soma and growth cones. After injury, delivering neurotrophic therapeutics to injured neurons is limited by our understanding of how signaling endosome localization in the growth cone affects neurite growth. Nanobiotechnology is providing new tools to answer previously inaccessible questions. Here, we show superparamagnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) functionalized with TrkB agonist antibodies are endocytosed into signaling endosomes by primary neurons that activate TrkB-dependent signaling, gene expression and promote neurite growth. These MNP signaling endosomes are trafficked into nascent and existing neurites and transported between somas and growth cones in vitro and in vivo. Manipulating MNP-signaling endosomes by a focal magnetic field alters growth cone motility and halts neurite growth in both peripheral and central nervous system neurons, demonstrating signaling endosome localization in the growth cone regulates motility and neurite growth. These data suggest functionalized MNPs may be used as a platform to study subcellular organelle localization and to deliver nanotherapeutics to treat injury or disease in the central nervous system. axon | nanotechnology C entral nervous system (CNS) neurons fail to regenerate after injury or disease because of reduced intrinsic axon growth ability (1, 2), inhibitory molecules (3-6), and deficient neurotrophic factor signaling (7-9). Neurotrophins, like brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), activate tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) receptors and are endocytosed by clathrin-dependent and -independent mechanisms into signaling endosomes (10, 11). These signaling endosomes signal persistently during retrograde (12) and anterograde (13, 14) transport in axons or dendrites (15, 16) directing neurite growth, survival, and cell migration (17, 18). Signaling endosomes are critical long-range communication links used by neurons in the central and peripheral nervous system during development and regeneration (17), whose dysfunction is linked to nervous system disorders (19-21). Therefore, studying signaling endosome localization and related functions in regulating neurite growth is vital. MNPs are emerging as flexible, multimodal nanoparticles that can be targeted to specific tissues or cells by molecular functionalization. To alter signaling endosome localization, we targeted functionalized MNPs to active TrkB signaling endosomes and demonstrate that magnetically manipulating their localization affects growth cone behavior and neurite growth.
ResultsTo load MNPs into TrkB signaling endosomes, 50-nm MNPs were functionalized with the anti-TrkB agonist antibody, 29D7, conjugated to Alexa 594. 29D7 activates TrkB and enhances retinal ganglion cell (RGC) survival and neurite growth in vitro and in vivo (22). Now, we show 29D7 facilitates rapid MNP e...