The scientific and methodological article explores the ways of forming the deontological-professional culture of future speech therapists as a fundamental precondition for the development of their professional identity. The article provides an overview and analytical analysis of the criteria components of deontological-professional culture. The conceptual principles, content, and structure of the didactic model for forming deontological-professional culture, as well as the theoretical and practical aspects of its implementation, are defined and justified.
The authors emphasize that the main task of preparing highly qualified special education teachers is to reveal the innovative potential of each student, develop their social, personal, and creative qualities, which is made possible by the implementation of the case-study method. The formation of deontological-professional culture is an essential component of the preparation of future speech therapists. This culture is not only a prerequisite for the development of their professional identity, but also a guarantee of their successful professional activity. The deontological-professional culture is based on ethical principles, values, and norms that govern the behavior of specialists in the field of special education. In this regard, the content of the formative narrative of moral and ethical components of deontological-professional culture is of particular importance. The purpose of this scientific and methodological article is to identify the conceptual foundations, content, and structure of the didactic model for the formation of deontological-professional culture, as well as to determine the theoretical and practical aspects of its implementation.
The article explores the importance of formative narrative in shaping the moral-ethical components of deontological-professional culture among future speech therapists. The article discusses the key components of deontological-professional culture, including professionalism, responsibility, trustworthiness, respect for children’s rights, and continuous professional development. The authors emphasize the importance of developing these components through the use of formative narrative, which involves the use of stories, examples, and case studies to illustrate ethical and moral principles.