The zero-temperature magnetoconductivity of just-metallic Si:P scales with magnetic field, H, and dopant concentration, n, lying on a single universal curve: σ(n, H)/σ(n, 0) = G[H −δ ∆n] with δ ≈ 2. We note that Si:P, Si:B, and Si:As all have unusually large magnetic field crossover exponents near 2, and suggest that this anomalously weak response to a magnetic field is a common feature of uncompensated doped semiconductors.PACS numbers: 71.30.+hThe metal-insulator transition (MIT) that occurs in doped semiconductors and in amorphous metalsemiconductor mixtures is a continuous phase transition [1,2,3]. Some difficulty has been encountered in demonstrating the scaling that is expected to hold near such a transition. Scaling with temperature and dopant concentration has been shown to hold for Si:P in the presence of a magnetic field of 75 kOe [2]. However, the conductivity does not appear to scale with temperature in the absence of a magnetic field: scaling [4] is obtained only if one chooses a critical conductivity exponent, µ ≈ 0.29, considerably smaller than the value found experimentally [5,6,7]. On the other hand, scaling of the zerotemperature conductivity has been demonstrated with magnetic field for p-type Si:B [8], albeit with an anomalously large magnetic field crossover exponent near 2. This raises the issue whether the anomalously weak response to a magnetic field is due to the spin-orbit scattering present in boron-doped silicon, or whether it is a general feature of uncompensated doped semiconductors near the metal-insulator transition. Si:P is considered the archetypical strongly correlated disordered system, and is used as a standard against which newer materials are compared [9]. It is therefore of great fundamental interest to determine the functional form of the magnetoresistance close to its MIT.To address these issues, we report measurements of the magnetoconductivity of Si:P. Detailed analysis of data taken at low temperatures in magnetic fields to 90 kOe allows us to identify separate, temperature-dependent components, yielding reliable determinations of the zerotemperature conductivity.Our results demonstrate that the zero-temperature conductivity scales with magnetic field and dopant concentrations, σ(n, H)/σ(n, 0) = G(H −δ ∆n) = F (H/H * ), with a crossover exponent, δ ≈ 2, comparable to the anomalously large crossover exponent of Si:B [8]. Moreover, earlier data of Shafarman et al. [10] indicate that the magnetoconductance of Si:As strongly resembles that of Si:P, scaling with a similar crossover function and exponent. We note that all the silicon-based doped semiconductors exhibit an anomalously weak response to a magnetic field, and suggest that this is a feature of the universality class of silicon-based doped semiconductors that is currently not understood.Four Czochralski-grown Si:P samples were used in our studies with dopant concentrations 3.60, 3.66, 3.95 and 4.21 × 10 18 cm −3 . Based on a critical concentration n c = 3.46 × 10 18 cm −3 [7], this corresponds to 1.04n c , 1.06n c...