We have extended our method of grouping Feynman diagrams (GFD theory) to study the transverse and longitudinal correlation functions G ⊥ (k) and G (k) in ϕ 4 model below the critical point (T < T c ) in the presence of an infinitesimal external field. Our method allows a qualitative analysis without cutting the perturbation series. The long-wave limit k → 0 has been studied at T < T c , showing that G ⊥ (k) a k −λ ⊥ and G (k) b k −λ with exponents d/2 < λ ⊥ < 2 and λ = 2λ ⊥ − d are the physical solutions of our equations at the spatial dimensionality 2 < d < 4, which coincides with the asymptotic solution at T → T c as well as with a nonperturbative renormalization group (RG) analysis provided in our paper. This has been confirmed also by recent Monte Carlo simulations. The exponents as well as the ratio bM 2 /a 2 (where M is magnetization) are universal. The results of the perturbative RG method are reproduced by formally setting λ ⊥ = 2, although our analysis yields λ ⊥ < 2.Subject Index: 370 §1. IntroductionPhase transitions and critical phenomena are widely investigated fields in physics and natural sciences. 1)-6) This paper is devoted to the further development of our original diagrammatic method introduced in Ref. 7) to study the ϕ 4 phase transition model below the critical point. Our approach is based on a suitable grouping of Feynman diagrams; therefore, we shall call it the GFD theory. Distinct from the conventional perturbative renormalization group (RG) method, 3), 4) it allows a qualitative analysis near and at the critical point, without cutting the perturbation series.The ϕ 4 model exhibits a nontrivial behavior in close vicinity, as well as below the critical temperature T c , if the order parameter is an n-component vector with n > 1. The related long-wave divergence of the longitudinal and transverse correlation functions (in Fourier representation) at T < T c has been studied in Refs. 8)-9) on the basis of the hydrodynamical (Gaussian) approximation. Essentially the same problem has been studied before in Ref. 10) in terms of the Gaussian spin-wave theory. 11), 12) Later perturbative RG studies 13)-21) support the Gaussian approximation. According to conventional belief, 9), 13)-21) the transverse correlation function G ⊥ (k) (where k is the wave vector) diverges like k −λ ⊥ with λ ⊥ = 2 at k → 0 below T c for the systems with O(n ≥ 2) rotational symmetry. It corresponds to the * )