The paper identifies and examines different positions of an
interventionist researcher, facilitating value co‑creation for new
technology in customer‑supplier dyads. The paper answers two
research questions: (1) "what kind of positions can an
interventionist researcher assume in a supplier‑customer dyad?" and
(2) "what should an interventionist researcher consider when
choosing a suitable position for her research design?" The paper
reflects upon a longitudinal interventionist case study (2017‑2020)
focused on facilitating and evaluating the value created by new
medicine‑dispensing robot technology in home‑care in Nordic
countries. The researchers conducted interventionist research in 11
supplier‑customer dyads, with multiple, evolving positions of the
researcher(s). As a result, as a contribution to the existing
knowledge about the role of the interventionist researchers, the
paper proposes three positions that the interventionist researcher
can take in an interorganizational supplier‑customer dyad: an
auditor, a lawyer or a mediator. The auditor investigates the
interface between the supplier and the customer as an outsider. The
lawyer position compromises this perceived neutrality (but not
independence) for deeper access to empirical data regarding one of
the organisations. Thus, the lawyer actively pursues the status of
'one of us' with either the supplier or the customer. The mediator
expands the previous positions by trying to achieve a status of 'one
of us' in both organisations trying to understand both sides of the
same story supporting both the supplier's and customers' activities.
Importantly, as an extension to the existing knowledge, the paper
argues that not only can an interventionist researcher move between
the etic and emic domains, but she can also move within the
supplier‑customer dyad under examination. Thus, when conducting
research within the customer‑supplier dyads (and within similarly
complex contexts), the interventionist researcher needs to be aware
of the existence of different positions and her actual position to
the subject of interventionist study. Indeed, the interventionist
researcher may choose her role, or the role may be a result of an
evolutionary process. The role is 'given' by the people the
interventionist researcher interacts with and, thus, not something
the researcher can completely decide by herself. However, the
interventionist researcher can pursue a specific role that fits her
research agenda and design. In any case, the researcher needs to be
honest and transparent regarding the actually taken position to
avoid potential methodological pitfalls arising from complex, novel
research settings.