In magnetoelectrically coupled CoFe 2 O 4 -BiFeO 3 nanostructures vertical and lateral lattice parameters of both phases are determined. We find that the in-plane lattice parameter of CoFe 2 O 4 is fully relaxed whereas it presents compressive strain along the out-of-plane direction. Although the CoFe 2 O 4 -BiFeO 3 interface is semicoherent, CoFe 2 O 4 out-of-plane lattice strain is not relaxed after selective removal of the matrix and thus it is of nonelastic origin. In spite of the absence of elastic residual strain caused by CoFe 2 O 4 -BiFeO 3 interfaces, the two phases are mechanically coupled as demonstrated by the electrical switching of the magnetization. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.3204464͔Magnetoelectric coupling in biferroic self-assembled epitaxial nanostructures occurs indirectly via the elastic coupling. [1][2][3][4] Although theoretical models 4-6 point out the importance of the residual strains in the magnetoelectric coupling, there is limited information on the lattice strains in ferromagnetic nanostructures in a ferroelectric matrix. It was reported 7 compressive residual strain of PbTiO 3 ͑PTO͒ in PTO-CoFe 2 O 4 ͑CFO͒, and elastic coupling was evidenced by deformation of the ferromagnetic phase during heating across the Curie temperature of PTO. In a high resolution transmission electron microscopy ͑HRTEM͒ study of NiFe 2 O 4 -BiFeO 3 ͑BFO͒ nanostructures, the interfaces between the two nanocomposite phases were found to be fully relaxed. 8 In the case of CFO-BFO nanostructures, the only system where the reversal of magnetization by electric field at room temperature has been demonstrated, 2 only out-ofplane unit cell parameter values are reported. 9,10 In contrast, a detailed study of lattice strains was reported for BFO-Sm 2 O 3 columnar nanocomposite heteroepitaxial films on SrTiO 3 ͑001͒ ͑STO͒, 11 showed that the vertical strain of both phases was determined by the mechanical interaction between BFO and Sm 2 O 3 , rather than by the stress caused by the substrate.We have measured all strains in CFO-BFO nanostructures. CFO is in-plane relaxed but out-of-plane strained, with semicoherent CFO-BFO interfaces. CFO does not relax after selective removal of the BFO phase and thus its residual strain is of nonelastic nature. We show switching of the magnetization of the CFO nanopillars by appropriate poling of the ferroelectric phase. This indicates that magnetoelectric coupling can occur in nanocomposites with semicoherent ferroelectric-ferromagnetic interfaces and absence of elastic residual strain between the two phases. Nanocomposites with thickness in the 100-200 nm range were deposited at a rate of around 0.9 Å/s on STO substrates at temperatures in the 625-675°C range by pulsed laser deposition ͑KrF laser, 5 Hz͒ using a BFO-CFO target with molar ratio of 65:35. 10 The lattice strain was analyzed by x-ray diffractometry ͑XRD͒ with Cu K␣ radiation and by HRTEM. Some samples were etched with HCl ͑10%, 75 s͒ to selectively remove the BFO phase. Atomic force microscopy...