In quantum materials, electrons that have strong correlations tend to localize, leading to quantum spins as the building blocks for low-energy physics 1,2 . When strongly correlated electrons coexist with more weakly-correlated conduction electrons, multiple channels of effective interactions develop and compete with each other. The competition creates quantum fluctuations having a large spectral weight, with the associated entropies reaching significant fractions of R ln 2 per electron. Advancing a framework to understand how the fluctuating local moments influence unconventional superconductivity 3-5 is both pressing and challenging. Here we do so in the exemplary setting of heavy-fermion metals, where the amplified quantum fluctuations manifest in the form of Kondo destruction and large-tosmall Fermi-surface fluctuations. These fluctuations lead to unconventional superconductivity whose transition temperature is exceptionally high relative to the effective Fermi temperature, reaching several percent of the Kondo temperature scale. Our results provide a natural understanding of the enigmatic superconductivity in a host of heavy-fermion metals. Moreover, the qualitative physics underlying our findings and their implications for the formation of unconventional superconductivity apply to a variety of highly correlated metals with strong Fermi surface fluctuations 6,7 .