ATP synthase consists of two portions, F 1 and F o , connected by two stalks: a central rotor stalk containing ␥ and ⑀ subunits and a peripheral, second stalk formed by ␦ and two copies of F o b subunits. The second stalk is expected to keep the stator subunits from spinning along with the rotor. We isolated a TF 1 -b 2 complex (␣ 3  3 ␥␦⑀b 2 ) of a thermophilic Bacillus PS3, in which b was a truncated cytoplasmic fragment of F o b subunit, and introduced a cysteine at its N terminus (bc). Association of b 2 or bc 2 with TF 1 did not have significant effect on ATPase activity. A disulfide bond between the introduced cysteine of bc and cysteine 109 of ␥ subunit was readily formed, and this cross-link caused inactivation of ATPase. This implies that F o b subunit bound to stator subunits of F 1 with enough strength to resist rotation of ␥ subunit and to prevent catalysis. Contrary to this apparent tight binding, some detergents such as lauryldodecylamine oxide tend to cause release of b 2 from TF 1 .ATP synthases catalyze ATP synthesis/hydrolysis coupled with a transmembrane proton transport in bacteria, chloroplasts, and mitochondria (1, 2). The enzyme is composed of two portions, a water-soluble F 1 , which has catalytic sites for ATP synthesis/hydrolysis, and a membrane-integrated F o , which mediates proton movement. The bacterial enzyme has the simplest subunit structure, ␣ 3  3 ␥ 1 ␦ 1 ⑀ 1 for F 1 and a 1 b 2 c 9 -12 for F o . F 1 is easily and reversibly detached from F o by removal of Mg 2ϩ in a low ionic strength solution. F 1 is by itself a rotary motor fueled by ATP hydrolysis (3), in which ␥ and ⑀ subunits rotate relative to ␣ 3  3 hexamer (4, 5). In the current view of ATP synthase, F o is also thought to be a rotary motor that utilizes the energy of proton movement down the electrochemical potential (6). Thus, proton movement through F o drives rotation of the central stalk of ␥⑀, which then enforces each catalytic site in F 1 to synthesize ATP (7). As a reverse reaction, ATP hydrolysis in F 1 drives reverse rotation of the ␥⑀ stalk, which causes proton transport in F o . The concept that ATP synthase consists of two motors connected by a common rotor shaft necessitates the second stalk, which connects and fixes stator subunits of both F 1 and F o together to hold the ␣ 3  3 hexamer stationary when the ␥⑀ rotor stalk rotates (8). Recent electron microscopic studies visualized the second, peripheral stalk beside the central stalk (9 -11). Two copies of F o b subunit and a single copy of ␦ subunit of F 1 are the components of the second stalk (12). The ␦ subunit appears to be located near the top of F 1 complex, farthest from the membrane (13-15). F o b, composed of 156 (Escherichia coli) or 167 (thermophilic Bacillus PS3) residues, has a single membrane-spanning helix at its N-terminal region (16), and its C-terminal region interacts with ␦ (17-20). Therefore, the hydrophilic remainder of F o b must span a distance 130 Å from the membrane to the top of F 1 . The hydrophilic domain of F o b is pred...