Shape coexistence is an ubiquitous phenomenon in the neutron-rich nuclei belonging to (or sitting at the shores of) the N = 20 Island of Inversion (IoI). Exact isospin symmetry predicts the same behaviour for their mirrors and the existence of a proton-rich IoI around Z = 20, centred in the (surely unbound) nucleus 32 Ca. In this article we show that in 36 Ca and 36 S, Coulomb effects break dramatically the mirror symmetry in the excitation energies, due to the different structures of the intruder and normal states. The Mirror Energy Difference (MED) of their 2 + states is known to be very large at -246 keV. We reproduce this value and predict the first excited state in 36 Ca to be a 0 + at 2.7 MeV, 250 keV below the first 2 + . In its mirror 36 S the 0 + lies at 55 keV above the 2 + measured at 3.291 MeV. Our calculations predict a huge MED of -720 keV, that we dub "Colossal" Mirror Energy Difference (CMED). A possible reaction mechanism to access the 0 + 2 in 36 Ca will be discussed.