This paper deals with the problem of determining those groups G and the homomorphisms ρ to which the structure group G n in the fibrations above can be reduced. The problem has been solved in many interesting special cases. Considering standard inclusions ρ : G = G k → G n we get the famous problem on sections of Stiefel manifolds over spheres resolved in [1, 3, 5, 23]. The other standard inclusions SU(k) → SO(n), Sp(k) → SO(n) and Sp(k) → SU(n) are dealt with in [12], [18] and [19], respectively. In these cases the question was to find a minimal standard subgroup to which G n can be reduced.In [15] Leonard asked an opposite question: find all maximal proper subgroups to which G n can be reduced. He solved it in the cases when G is a reducible maximal subgroup of G n . Moreover, he proved that G n cannot be reduced to any proper subgroup (G, ρ) if (1) n is even and G n = SO(n) or SU(n), unless G n = SO(6) and G = SU(3);(2) n ≡ 11 mod 12 and G n = Sp(n);(3) G is a non-simple irreducible maximal proper subgroup of G n . 793 can be reduced to G via a homomorphism ρ : G → G n if and only if one of the following cases occurs: (A) G n = SO(n), G = SO(k), n = m − 1, m ≡ 0 mod a(m − k) and, up to conjugation, ρ is the standard inclusion SO(k) → SO(n); (B) G n = SO(n), G = SU(k), n = 2m − 1, m ≡ 0 mod 2 ν2(b(m−k)) and, up to conjugation, ρ is the composition of the standard inclusions SU(k) → SO(2k) → SO(n) or the composition SU(4) → SO(8) × SO(6) → SO(15) where the first homomorphism is given on the first factor by the standard inclusion and on the second factor by the double covering SU(4) ∼ = Spin(6) → SO(6); (C) G n = SO(n), G = Sp(k), n = 4m − 1, m ≡ 0 mod 2 ν2(c(m−k)) and, up to conjugation, ρ is the composition of the standard inclusions Sp(k) → SO(4k) → SO(n) or the exterior square Sp(3) → SO(15); (D) G n = SU(n), G = SU(k), n = m − 1, m ≡ 0 mod b(m − k) and, up to conjugation, ρ is the standard inclusion SU(k) → SU(n); (E) G n = SU(n), G = Sp(k), n = 2m − 1, m ≡ 0 mod c(m − k) and, up to conjugation, ρ is the composition of the standard inclusions Sp(k) → SU(2k) → SU(n); (F) G n = Sp(n), G = Sp(k), n = m − 1, m ≡ 0 mod c(m − k) and, up to conjugation, ρ is the standard inclusion Sp(k) → Sp(n).As a consequence of Theorem 2.