Verticillium wilt is a serious disease of potato and is caused by the soil-borne fungi Verticillium dahliae and V. albo-atrum. No major cultivar is resistant to this disease. Two diploid interspecific potato clones, C287 and C545, were previously identified with consistently high levels of Verticillium wilt resistance and are thought to have the same genotype for the loci that confer resistance to V. dahliae stem colonization. The purpose of this study was to determine whether resistance to V. dahliae stem colonization could be transferred to the tetraploid level in potato via unilateral sexual polyploidization (USP). Progenies in eight families obtained by crossing C287 and C545 to two tetraploid breeding clones, S438 and S440, and the cultivar 'Atlantic' were planted in a V. dahliae-infested field and a field without a significant V. dahliae infestation. Resistance was evaluated relative to C545 and C287. There were differences among families for stem colonization and yield. No differences between the mean stem colonization of C545 and C287 progeny were detected. Family differences due to the tetraploid parents indicate that they contributed resistance to the progeny. Stem colonization data from this experiment were consistent with the proposed complementary two-gene model for Verticillium wilt resistance in the diploid parents. Unilateral sexual polyploidization is an effective method for transferring V. dahliae stem colonization resistance to the tetraploid level.