Due to its vast maritime coast, connected to the riverbeds that flow into the sea, Brazil holds favorable conditions for cargo transportation by cabotage—a type of navigation performed between points on the coast or between these and river points. The purpose of this study was to develop and apply a model to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of users of Brazilian cabotage, specifically the containerized cargo segment, with the services offered to them. The assessment model was developed based on the multicriteria decision aid (MCDA) methodology, which was designed under the aegis of the constructivist paradigm and with the collaboration of a team of cabotage specialists. A framework was built for assessment consisting of seven axes: service level, cargo safety, cabotage routes, transportation cost, general aspects of transportation, quality of information provided by EBNs and intermediary agents, and other aspects related to transportation. The global assessment obtained a score of 7.0, on a scale of zero to ten, which is considered good. The study’s contribution to the transportation sector consists of the construction of a multi-criteria assessment model, which can be replicated for other types of transportation with the necessary adjustments.