The topographies of the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities have important implications for mantle dynamics. Here we present high-resolution seismic imaging of the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities beneath the North China Craton (NCC) employing the receiver function method. Depth anomalies (deeper or shallower than the global average depths) at both discontinuities were detected by introducing a three-dimensional regional velocity model. The depressions of the 410-km discontinuity are mostly located in the eastern NCC. A local elevation of the 660-km discontinuity appeared in the northwest of the NCC and a significant depression of the 660-km discontinuity is located in the southeast of the NCC. Two dynamic mantle regimes are speculated to explain the formation of the anomalous depth zones in the NCC. One possibility is a complex mantle upwelling linked to edge-derived convection between the stagnant slab and the thick cratonic root. The other potential dynamic regime is slab stagnating, sinking, and induced upwelling at the neighboring slab front. These regimes hint that the mantle flow was possibly dominated by dynamic interactions among the subducting slab, cratonic root, and ambient mantle beneath the NCC.
410-km discontinuity, 660-km discontinuity, receiver function imaging, dynamic mantle regime, North China Craton
Citation:Xu W W, Zheng T Y, Zhao L. Mantle dynamics of the reactivating North China Craton: Constraints from the topographies of the 410-km and 660-km discontinuities.The mantle transition zone (MTZ) is a hallmark structure of the mantle with important implications for geodynamics. The top and bottom discontinuities of the MTZ have been demonstrated by laboratory experiments to represent pressure-induced mineral phase transitions of olivine to wadsleyite at ~410 km and of ringwoodite to perovskite and magnesiowustite at ~660 km, respectively [1-4]. Changes in temperature or composition shift the pressure of the mineral phase transition, creating the topography of the velocity discontinuity [5,6], which can be used as an indicator of mantle dynamics. The thickened MTZ underlain by a depressed 660-km discontinuity has been generally found to occur near subduction zones and attributed to the stagnancy of the subducted slab or remnants of detached oceanic lithosphere [7][8][9][10][11][12]. The slightly thinned MTZ beneath ridges and hotspots has been attributed to the influence of thermal plumes [13,14]. Seismic-related observations of the 410-km discontinuity (hereafter referred to as 410-) have been used to interpret lateral variations in temperature and water content in the MTZ [14][15][16][17]. The "transition zone water filter" hypothesis predicts that a spatially localized layer of melt, resulting from the difference in water solubility between the MTZ and the overlying upper mantle, may pool atop the 410- [15]. The observed low-velocity layer above the 410-suggests an association between the velocity decrement and