Abstract. The investigated area of the NW Dinarides is located at the NE corner of the Adriatic microplate and is bordered by the Adriatic foreland, the Southern Alps, and the Pannonian basin. Its complex crustal structure is the result of interactions among different tectonic units, mainly the Eurasian plate and the Adriatic microplate. Despite numerous seismic studies in this tectonically complex area, there is still a need for a detailed, small scale study focusing mainly on the upper, brittle part of the crust. We investigated the crustal velocity structure with 1-D simultaneous hypocenter-velocity inversion using routinely picked P wave arrival times. Most of the computed models converged to a stable solution in the depth range between 0 and 26 km. We further evaluated the inversion results with hypocenter shift tests, high and low velocity tests, and relocations. This helped us to select two best performing velocity models for the whole study area. Based on these results and the seismicity distribution, we further divided the study area into three parts, redefined the earthquake-station geometry, and performed inversion for each part separately to gain better insight into the crustal structure of each subregion. Median velocities in the upper 20 km of the crust in the eastern subregion are lower compared to the regional median and the median of the other two subregions. The northwestern and southwestern subregions are very similar in terms of crustal structure between about 8 and 23 km depth. The largest difference between them is observed in the upper 8 km, with higher median velocities in the southwestern subregion. Compared to the model currently used at Slovenian Environment Agency to locate earthquakes, the velocity models obtained show higher velocities in the upper 30 km depth and agree very well with some of the previous studies. In addition to general structural implications and a potential for improving seismic tomography results, the new 1-D velocity models can also be used for fast routine earthquake location and for detecting systematic travel time errors in seismological bulletins.