Rod and cone opsin genes are expressed in a mutually exclusive manner in their respective photoreceptor subtypes in the mammalian retina. Previous transgenic mouse studies showed that functional interactions between the distal enhancer and proximal promoter of rhodopsin and long/medium-wavelength (L/M) opsin genes are essential for regulating their cell-type-specific transcription. We have used chromosomal conformation capture assays in mouse retinas to investigate the molecular mechanism responsible for this interaction. Here we show that each opsin gene forms intrachromosomal loops in the appropriate photoreceptor subtype, while maintaining a linear configuration in other cell types where it is silent. The enhancer forms physical contacts not only with the promoter but also with the coding regions of each opsin locus. ChIP assays showed that cell-type-specific target binding by three key photoreceptor transcription factors-cone-rod homeobox (CRX), neural retina leucine zipper (NRL), and nuclear receptor subfamily 2, group E, member 3 (NR2E3)-is required for the appropriate local chromosomal organization and transcription of rod and cone opsins. Similar correlations between chromosomal loops and active transcription of opsin genes were also observed in human photoreceptors. Furthermore, quantitative chromosomal conformation capture on human retinas from two male donors showed that the L/M enhancer locus control region (LCR) loops with either the L or M promoter in a near 3:1 ratio, supporting distance-dependent competition between L and M for LCR. Altogether, our results suggest that the photoreceptor transcription factor network cooperatively regulates the chromosomal organization of target genes to precisely control photoreceptor subtypespecific gene expression.neuronal gene expression | enhancer-promoter interaction | chromatin modulation | epigenetic regulation R ods and cones are two types of image-forming photoreceptors that constitute 70% of retinal cells in mice and humans. Rods, representing 95-97% of the photoreceptors, are sensitive to dim light and responsible for night vision. Cones, although constituting only 3-5% of the photoreceptors, sense bright light and mediate color discrimination and visual acuity. These functional differences are attributed, at least in part, to the unique visual pigments made by rods [rhodopsin (Rho)] or cones (cone opsins). Cones can be divided into subtypes based on lightwavelength sensitivity that are characteristically distributed in different species. In humans, cones sensitive to long (L), medium (M), and short (S) wavelengths, each expressing a distinct cone opsin, are enriched within the macular region (1, 2). The mouse retina expresses only two cone opsins, M and S, which are distributed in opposing gradients along the dorsal-ventral axis, forming spatially distinct populations of M, S, and hybrid M/S cones (3, 4).Photoreceptor subtype-specific opsin expression is regulated by interactions between DNA cis-regulatory elements and a network of photoreceptor transc...