Initial modeling of LOX-Methane reaction control (RCE) 100 lb f thrusters and larger, 5500 lb f thrusters with the TDK/VIPER code has shown good agreement with sea-level and altitude test data. However, the vaporization and zonal mixing upstream of the compressible flow stage of the models leveraged empirical trends to match the sea-level data. This was necessary in part because the codes are designed primarily to handle the compressible part of the flow (i.e. contraction through expansion) and in part because there was limited data on the thrusters themselves on which to base a rigorous model. A more rigorous model has been developed which includes detailed vaporization trends based on element type and geometry, radial variations in mixture ratio within each of the "zones" associated with elements and not just between zones of different element types, and, to the extent possible, updated kinetic rates. The Spray Combustion Analysis Program (SCAP) was leveraged to support assumptions in the vaporization trends. Data of both thrusters is revisited and the model maintains a good predictive capability while addressing some of the major limitations of the previous version.
NomenclatureA* = Throat area, in 2 A e = Nozzle exit area, in 2 C* = Characteristic velocity, ft/s C F,PI = Thrust coefficient (for a perfect injector), lb f /lbm s F VAC = Thrust (adjusted to vacuum ambient conditions), lb f G = Mixture ratio variation factor I SP,VAC = Specific impulse (adjusted to vacuum ambient conditions), s L' = Characteristic length of the combustion chamber, in m = Mass flow rate, lb m /s MR = Mixture ratio, oxydizer to fuel ODE = Subscript indicating a value calculated assuming one-dimensional equilibrium flow p a = Ambient pressure, psia p e = Nozzle exit pressure, psia p o * = Effective chamber pressure, psia TDK = Two-dimensional kinetics code VIPER = Viscous Interaction Performance Evaluation Routine = Characteristic velocity efficiency = Specific impulse efficiency MIX = Mixing efficiency 1 Senior Scientist, OAI, Propulsion and Propellants Branch, 21000 Brookpark Rd., MS 16-1, Associate Fellow. 2 Aerospace Engineer, Propulsion and Propellants Branch, 3000 Aerospace Parkway, AIAA Member.