Tool steels produced with powder metallurgy (P/M) are perspective materials, although they are more expensive in comparison with tool steels produced with the conventional method. The work focuses on the study of mechanical properties and structure depending on the heat-treatment conditions for the two tool steels. These are the 1.2379 steel for cold work produced with classical metallurgy and high-speed P/M steel Vanadis 23. Both materials were heat treated in the conventional manner to achieve a hardness of 61 HRC. They were also exposed to a cryogenic treatment at temperatures of -90°C and -196°C for 4 h between the hardening and the tempering. We evaluated the hardness and strength using the three-point-bending test and the wear resistance using the pin-on-disk method. Keywords: powder metallurgy, high-speed steels, heat treatment, cryogenic treatment, wear rate Orodna jekla, proizvedena s postopki metalurgije v prahu (angl. P/M) so perspektivni materiali, kljub temu da so dra`ji od tistih izdelanih s konvencionalno metodo. Delo je osredoto~eno na {tudijo mehanskih lastnosti in strukturo, v odvisnosti od pogojev toplotne obdelave za ti dve vrsti orodnih jekel. To so jekla 1.2379 za delo v hladnem, proizvedena s klasi~nimi metalur{kimi postopki in hitrorezno P/M jeklo Vanadis 23. Oba materiala sta bila toplotno obdelana s konvencionalnimi postopki, glede na njuno sestavo, tako, da sta dosegli trdnost 61 HRC. Bili sta tudi izpostavljeni obdelavi s podhlajevanjem pri temperaturah od -90°C in -196°C za 4 h med strjevanjem in temperiranjem. Trdnost je bila ocenjena pri trito~kovnem mehanskem testu (zvijanje) in s testom obrabe po metodi pin-on-disk. Klju~ne besede: metalurgija prahov, visokorezna jekla, toplotna obdelava, obdelava s podhlajevanjem, stopnja obrabe