Chromitite lenses rich in the platinum-group elements (PGE) have recently been discovered in the deeper part of the mantle section of the northern part of the Oman ophiolite. In terms of stratigraphic level, there are two types of chromitite: Moho transition zone (MTZ) and mantle types. The mantle type can be further classified into two subtypes: PGE-poor and PGE-rich. Platinum-group minerals (PGM) have been mainly observed in the PGE-rich mantle chromitite and, to a lesser extent, in the PGEpoor mantle chromitite, although a few PGM grains have been detected from the MTZ chromitites. The PGM comprise four main categories in the following order of abundance: (1) sulfides [Os-rich laurite, erlichmanite and unnamed (Ir,Rh)(Ni,Cu,Fe) 2 S 3 ], (2) sulfarsenide and arsenide (irarsite-hollingworthite series, palladoarsenide), (3) alloys and native metals [Os-Ir alloy, (Cu-Pt-FeIr-Rh) alloy, Pt-Fe alloy, (Ni-Ru-Os-Ir) alloy, Ir-Pt alloy, Ir-Rh alloy and native Pd metal], and (4) PGE oxide (Ru-Os-Ir oxide). Base-metal sulfides (BMS) and base-metal alloys (BMA) also are found, as inclusions in chromian spinel and interstitial matrix, mainly in the MTZ and PGE-poor mantle chromitites. The common abundance of PGE sulfides, i.e., Os-rich laurite, in the Oman chromitites is ascribed to the sulfide-undersaturated nature of the magma involved in chromitite formation. However, the sulfur fugacity was sufficiently high to produce the Os-rich laurite and, to a lesser extent, erlichmanite and Ru-poor Os-Ir alloy. The sulfur fugacity was higher in the formation of the PGE-poor mantle chromitite relative to the PGE-rich chromitite, as indicated by the presence of the unnamed Ir-rich sulfides and, to a lesser extent, BMS. The presence of PGE oxide commonly associated with fractured chromian spinel indicates that the PGE distribution in rocks can easily be modified at an early stage of serpentinization.Keywords: laurite, chromitite, ophiolite, platinum-group elements, platinum-group minerals, sulfur fugacity, northern Oman.
SOMMAIRENous avons récemment découvert des lentilles de chromitite enrichies en éléments du groupe du platine (EGP) dans la partie la plus profonde de la séquence mantellique de la partie nord de l'ophiolite d'Oman. Du point de vue niveau stratigraphique, nous distinguons deux sortes de chromitites, celles qui sont associées à la zone de transition du Moho (MTZ), et celles provenant du manteau sousjacent. Ces dernières comprennent à leur tour deux types, l'un pauvre en EGP et l'autre enrichi en EGP. Les minéraux du groupe du platine se trouvent surtout dans les chromitites mantelliques enrichies en EGP, quoique qu'on en trouve aussi, mais à un degré moindre, dans les chromitites mantelliques à faible teneur en EGP et dans les chromitites de type MTZ. Nous documentons quatre groupes de ces minéraux, présentés ici dans un ordre selon leur abondance: (1) (4) oxyde des EGP (oxyde Ru-Os-Ir). Nous avons aussi trouvé des sulfures et des alliages de métaux de base, en inclusion dans le spinelle chromifère et dans l...