Abstract:ecurity is the important when it comes to wireless communication, and as the expectations of people increased, the data service now arrived at LTE. The faster data access and communication with high priority security. ZUC is the algorithm adopted to provide security under third set of LTE i.e. EEA3 and EIA3. The algorithms are used for confidentiality and integrity protection over the air. To analyze the security level of the algorithm different attacks were published in literature. The aim of this paper is to discuss the working of ZUC algorithm in detail. Also different attacks are listed in the last section.Keywords: LTE; ZUC; Cryptanalysis; SAT; Chosen IV; TMTO
I. INTRODUCTIONThe data and voice communication happens over the air thus security algorithms were introduced. As the stream ciphers are computationally efficient, stream ciphers are preferred over block ciphers for security. For the GSM, A5 family of algorithms are used, for 3G KASUMI, SNOW 3G are used. As the algorithms were analyzed, the need for more efficient security algorithm is arrived. Cellular technology plays an important role in society, it becomes the primary source to the Internet for most of the population. The deployment of 4G LTE technology makes the data accessibility fast and still evolving. ZUC is a stream cipher based security algorithm designed by Data Assurance and Communication Security Research Center (DACAS) at Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is used in the confidentiality and integrity algorithm 128-EEA3 and 128-EIA3 [1] of 3GPP standard as their core component for 4G. LTE is the dominant over the air interface technology across the world.LTE security [12] involves authentication, confidentiality, hardware security and network security, however this report is mostly focused on software related security. The cryptographic algorithms used to secure the air interface and perform subscriber authentication functions were not publicly disclosed for the 2G GSM systems. The GSM makes uses of A3, A5, and A8 algorithm, A5 provides confidentiality, and A3 and A8 is for authentication. The UEA and UIA algorithms are used within UMTS for security. A 128-bit block cipher called KASUMI UEA1 is used for 3G security. UIA1 is a message authentication code based on KASUMI. UEA2 is a stream cipher related to SNOW 3G, and UIA2 computes a MAC using SNOW for authentication. In mobile communication networks, authentication refers to the process of determining whether a user is an authorized subscriber to the network that he/she is trying to access. Among various authentication procedures available in such networks, EPS AKA (Authentication and Key Agreement) procedure is used in LTE networks for mutual authentication between users and networks. The EPS AKA procedure consists of two steps.1. First, an HSS (Home Subscriber Server) generates EPS authentication vector(s) (RAND, AUTN, XRES, KASME) and delivers them to an MME. 2. Then in the second step, the MME selects one of the authentication vectors and uses it for mutual authentication with ...