It is of interest to note here, incidently, that the unsubstituted silabarellene (25), like barellene itself, undergoes photochemical rearrangement to the 1 -silasemibullvalene (26). In contrast to semibullvalene itself, however, which undergoes a degenerate 3,3-shift at -150 "C with an activation energy of only 20 kJ mol-', the 1 -sila-species appears to be static, even at + 150 0C.40Returning to the sila-alkenes, however, it is obviously much more satisfactory to have stable species to examine, and in this regard 1982 has been an exciting year. The stable silaethylene [(Me3Si),Si=C(OSiMe3)(Cl0H15)3 (where CloH15 =