Crystals of [Co(C2H8Nz) Werner (1912) demonstrated the optical activity and octahedral nature of complexes of cobalt and ethylenediamine by using the crystallization of (+)-tartrate salts to separate the enantiomers. One of the salts he isolated was (+)-tris(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) chloride (+)-tartrate pentahydrate. We first became interested in this material when it was the subject of an experiment devised by McClain (1972) for the elementary chemistry laboratory course at Berkeley. We determined the crystal structure because lack of knowledge of it was an embarrassment in explanations to students. Later we realized that this salt is suitable for measuring anomalous-scattering effects of cobalt and chlorine by a method described by Templeton & Templeton (1978).In this paper we report the crystal structure and some measurements of scattering of Mo Ka and Cu Ka radiation. This study provides a foundation for some similar experiments with synchrotron radiation near the Co K absorption edge which will be described elsewhere. mm -1) was made using the program HORSE (Hamilton, 1969) that approximates the crystal as an array of points (480 in this case). The extreme correction factors were 1.15 and 1.22. Before the final refinement each structure factor was multiplied by 1.0 + 1.8 x 10-7/, an empirical correction for extinction which was 1.18 for the strongest reflection, i 11, I is the uncorrected observed intensity. For 188 reflections the intensity was less than a estimated from counting statistics, and these were given zero weight in the structure refinement. The remaining 7688 reflections, including both members of each Bijvoet pair, were assigned weights w = [a(F)]-2; o(F) was derived from cr(F 2) = [S 2 + (jgF2)2] 1/2, where S 2 is the variance due to counting statistics and p = 0.03.
ExperimentalAnother crystal, 0.102 x 0.084 x 0.110 mm, was used to measure diffraction intensities with CuKa radiation. The technique was similar except that scan widths were 1.5 °, plus al-a 2 splitting, the scan speed was 2 ° min -1, and backgrounds were measured at each end of the scan. Measurements of 3434 reflections, including both members of each Bijvoet pair, yielded