Perfect-crystal neutron interferometry, which is analogous to Mach-Zehnder interferometry, uses Bragg diffraction to form interfering neutron paths. The measured phase shifts can be used to probe many types of interactions whether it be nuclear, electromagnetic, gravitational, or topological in nature. For a perfect-crystal interferometer to preserve coherence, the crystal must possess a high degree of dimensional tolerance as well as being relatively defect-free with minimal internal stresses. In the past, perfect-crystal neutron interferometers have been produced by a two-step process. First, a resin diamond wheel would be used to remove excess material and shape the interferometer. Afterword, the crystal would be etched to remove surface defects and elevate strains. This process has had limitations in terms of repeatability and in maximizing the final contrast, or fringe visibility, of the interferometer. We have tested various fabrication and post-fabrication techniques on a single perfect-crystal neutron interferometer and measured the interferometer's performance at each step. Here we report a robust, nonetching fabrication process with high final contrast. For the interferometer used in this work, we achieved contrasts of greater than 90% several times and ultimately finished with an interferometer that has 92% contrast and a uniform phase distribution.
Published by the American Physical Society