Neutron resonance spin-echo spectroscopy was used to monitor the temperature evolution of the linewidths of transverse acoustic phonons in lead across the superconducting transition temperature T c over an extended range of the Brillouin zone. For phonons with energies below the superconducting energy gap, a linewidth reduction of maximum amplitude 6 eV was observed below T c . The electronphonon contribution to the phonon lifetime extracted from these data is in satisfactory overall agreement with ab initio lattice-dynamical calculations, but significant deviations are found. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.225501 PACS numbers: 63.20.Kr, 61.12.Ex, 74.25.Kc, 74.70.Ad The electron-phonon interaction is the major limiting factor for electronic transport phenomena in metals at elevated temperatures, and it is responsible for most instances of superconductivity. For metallic and superconducting elements [1] and binary compounds such as MgB 2 [2], modern ab initio calculations yield accurate predictions for the electron-phonon coupling parameters of every phonon over the entire Brillouin zone (BZ). An active area of research is aimed at a realistic description of electronlattice interactions in complex compounds with strong electronic correlations. Yet only rudimentary experimental tests of these calculations have thus far proven possible. For instance, electronic transport or tunneling experiments probe weighted averages of the electron-phonon interaction over the entire phonon spectrum. Optical spectroscopy is capable of probing the lifetimes of individual phonons limited by scattering from electrons, but kinematics constrains these experiments to a single point in momentum space. Here we use a new neutron spectroscopy method with an energy resolution in the eV range (that is, about 2 orders of magnitude better than that of standard neutron spectroscopy) to determine the electron-phonon lifetime of an individual acoustic phonon in lead over an extended range of the BZ. The results are compared to ab initio lattice-dynamical calculations also reported here. Our experiment constitutes the first detailed test of modern calculations of the electron-phonon interaction and opens up a new avenue for a quantitative understanding of electronphonon interactions and superconductivity in solids.Since the 1950s, triple-axis spectrometry (TAS) with neutrons (and, recently, x rays) has been the method of choice to experimentally determine the energy-and momentum-resolved phonon spectra of solids. Briefly, the energies and momenta of the incoming and scattered neutrons are selected by crystal monochromators, and their difference yields the phonon dispersion relation. The monochromaticity of the beam is thus coupled to the beam divergence, which can be restricted only at the expense of beam intensity. This implies that energy resolutions significantly better than 10% are impractical to achieve under almost all circumstances. Since the electron-phonon interaction leads to a phonon linewidth broadening of typically less than 1%, TAS ...