This study reports a visual observation of the formation and growth of ionic semiclathrate hydrate on the surface of a Tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB) aqueous solution and CO 2 +N 2 gas mixture. The composition of CO 2 +N 2 gas mixture was 20 : 80. The experimental temperature range was from 280 K to 290 K, under the pressures of 2.3 MPa and 4.7 MPa, at w TBAB =0.10 and w TBAB =0.40, where w TBAB denotes the mass fraction of TBAB in the aqueous solution. At w TBAB =0.40, the hydrate crystals were initially observed to grow within the droplet, and followed by lateral growth at the droplet surface; but at w TBAB =0.10, the hydrate crystals grew exclusively in the liquid phase and did not cover the droplet surface. Two types of different crystals with different sizes were clearly observed.