Neutron diffraction, magnetization, resistivity, and heat capacity measurements on the 6H-perovskite Ba3BiRu2O9 reveal simultaneous magnetic and structural dimerization driven by strong magnetoelastic coupling. An isostructural but strongly displacive first-order transition on cooling through T * = 176 K is associated with a change in the nature of direct Ru−Ru bonds within Ru2O9 face-sharing octahedra. Above T * , Ba3BiRu2O9 is an S = 1 magnetic dimer system with intradimer exchange interactions J0/kB = 320 K and interdimer exchange interactions J ′ /kB = −160 K. Below T * , a spin-gapped state emerges with ∆ ≈ 220 K. Ab initio calculations confirm antiferromagnetic exchange within dimers, but the transition is not accompanied by long range-magnetic order. dimers, and shrinking the unit cell due to the reduced ionic radius of R [10] (Fig. 1). Our experimental lattice parameters for Ba 3 BiRu 2 O 9 strongly suggest that it belongs in this Ru 8+ 2 category. Polycrystalline Ba 3 BiRu 2 O 9 was synthesized by solidstate reaction. Neutron powder diffraction (NPD) data were collected on the instrument Wombat at OPAL, ANSTO, from 2 − 300 K using 2.9609Å neutrons; and at 2 K on the HRPD diffractometer at ISIS. Structure refinements via the Rietveld method were carried out us- [6] and references therein, with R = Bi from the present work. The refined (HRPD@ISIS) 2 K structure of Ba3BiRu2O9 is shown with BiO6 octahedra (violet), Ru2O9 dimers (grey), Ba 2+ (green, and O 2− ions (red ). Polyhedral units are expanded and drawn with 90% probability thermal GSAS [11] with the EXPGUI front-end [12]. Magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity and heat capacity were measured in a Quantum Design PPMS. Ab initio calculations were performed in the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) using the Vienna ab initio Simulations Package (VASP 5.2) [13]. A supercell containing two primitive cells (60 atoms) was used with standard PAW potentials [14], a k -mesh of 162 points in the irreducible Brillouin zone wedge and a cutoff energy of 450 eV. Total energy converged to within 10 −5 eV. Fig. 2 displays the temperature dependencies of the unit cell volume, lattice parameters, and intradimer d Ru−Ru distance. The volume shows normal thermal contraction down to ∼180 K, then increases rapidly, mostly