Heterocyclic arylamines are highly mutagenic and cause tumors in animal models. The mutagenicity is attributed to the C 8 -and N 2 -G adducts, the latter of which accumulates due to slower repair. The C 8 -and N 2 -G adducts derived from 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f ]quinoline (IQ) were placed at the G 1 and G 3 sites of the NarI sequence, in which the G 3 site is an established hot spot for frameshift mutation with the model arylamine derivative 2-acetylaminofluorene but G 1 is not. Human DNA polymerase (pol) extended primers beyond template G-IQ adducts better than did pol and much better than pol or ␦. In 1-base incorporation studies, pol inserted C and A, pol inserted T, and pol inserted G. Steady-state kinetic parameters were measured for these dNTPs opposite the C 8 -and N 2 -IQ adducts at both sites, being most favorable for pol . Mass spectrometry of pol extension products revealed a single major product in each of four cases; with the G 1 and G 3 C 8 -IQ adducts, incorporation was largely error-free. With the G 3 N 2 -IQ adduct, a ؊2 deletion occurred at the site of the adduct. With the G 1 N 2 -IQ adduct, the product was error-free at the site opposite the base and then stalled. Thus, the pol products yielded frameshifts with the N 2 but not the C 8 IQ adducts. We show a role for pol and the complexity of different chemical adducts of IQ, DNA position, and DNA polymerases.