Magnetic susceptibility χ, magnetization M, and specific heat C of polycrystalline samples of RCuS 2 (R = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, and Yb) are reported. The 1/χ(T) data for 50 < T < 300 K follow the Curie-Weiss law with effective magnetic moments µ eff close to those for free R 3+ ions. The negative paramagnetic Curie temperatures θ p of −7.6 (R = Dy), −6.1 (Ho), −4.3 (Er), −20 (Tm), and −92 K (Yb) indicate antiferromagnetic intersite interactions between the R 3+ ions. For R = Dy, Ho, and Tm, no anomaly was observed in C(T) down to 0.4 K. On the other hands, C(T) for R = Er exhibits a peak at 1.1 K. With applying magnetic fields, the peak shifts to lower temperatures with broadening and disappears at 2 T, suggesting an antiferromagnetic order. For R = Yb, a sharp peak appears at T 0 = 0.95 K. The magnetic entropy reaches only 0.2Rln2 at T 0 , which value is unexpectedly small if the Kramers doublet ground state of Yb 3+ ions magnetically ordered.