The design of new materials has transformed considerably over the past decade from an emphasis on tailoring bulk properties to those isolated at the interface between two materials.Undoubtedly, many would argue that the interface is the key to new, multifunctional materials and devices. Examples include the discovery of a 2-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and thermopower enhancement in LaTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 (STO) heterostructures [1][2][3] , electric-field control of spin polarization between ferroelectric and ferromagnetic film layers [4] and colossal ionic conductivity at the yttria-stabilized ZrO 2 (YSZ)/STO interface [5] . The strong property modification in heterostructures such as these suggests that the structural, electronic, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom at the interface can be tuned from the individual constituents.Many of the interfacial properties that have drawn significant attention have been linked to structural effects induced by lattice or symmetry mismatch. [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] Symmetry mismatch occurs when the interface is formed from two non-isostructural materials such as an orthorhombic film on a cubic substrate, or even materials consisting of different coordination environments.While it is possible for non-isostructural bilayers to contain a negligible average lattice mismatch, low symmetry materials grown on higher symmetry substrates will likely exhibit an unavoidable non-uniform strain due to different lattice parameters along the in-plane