In the present work, we detail af ast and simple solution-based method to synthesize hexagonal SnSe 2 nanoplates (NPLs) and their use to produce crystallographically textured SnSe 2 nanomaterials.W ea lso demonstrate that the same strategy can be used to produce orthorhombic SnSe nanostructures and nanomaterials.N PLs are grown through as crew dislocation-driven mechanism. This mechanism typically results in pyramidal structures,b ut we demonstrate here that the growth from multiple dislocations results in flower-like structures.C rystallographically textured SnSe 2 bulk nanomaterials obtained from the hot pressing of these SnSe 2 structures displayhighly anisotropic charge and heat transport properties and thermoelectric (TE) figures of merit limited by relatively low electrical conductivities.T oimprove this parameter,SnSe 2 NPLs are blended here with metal nanoparticles.The electrical conductivities of the blends are significantly improved with respect to bare SnSe 2 NPLs,w hat translates into at hree-fold increase of the TE Figure of merit, reaching unprecedented ZT values up to 0.65.The use of molecular precursors to produce inorganic nanomaterials in the form of nanoparticles,t hin films, supported nanostructures or self-standing porous or dense nanomaterials is potentially advantageous in terms of reducing fabrication costs and improving performances.I nt his direction, the amine-dithiol system has been reported as av ersatile solvent to prepare molecular precursors from the dissolution at ambient conditions of metal chalcogenides, pure metals and metal oxides,a mong others. [1] Tw odimensional (2D) materials have attracted increasing attention in the past decade.T he structure of these materials is formed by atomically thin layers that display strong covalent in-plane bonding and weak layer-to-layer bonding. This type of structure results in extraordinary and at the same time highly anisotropic physical, electronic and optical properties.Inparticular, charge and heat transport properties are especially affected by the strong lattice asymmetry,a nd much higher thermal and electrical conductivities are measured in-plane than cross-plane.O wing to these highly anisotropic properties,t op roduce bulk 2D nanomaterials with aproper crystallographic texture is necessary to optimize their performance in most applications.H owever,t oc ontrol the crystallographic texture of materials produced by bottomup procedures and/or solution-based approaches is not straightforward.Ap articularly interesting 2D material family is that of metal chalcogenides,o wing to their good chemical stability and semiconducting characteristics.2 Dm etal chalcogenides are used in numerous applications in av ariety of fields, including energy conversion and storage, [2] flexible electronics [3] and medical diagnosis. [4] Among them, tin chalcogenides are especially interesting materials for energy conversion. [5] In particular,p -type SnSe single crystals have shown unprecedentedly high thermoelectric (TE) figures of merit:Z T= 2.6 at 92...