Te tracalcium phos phate, Ca.O(p04j" has a monoclinic modifi cation with the paramete rs a= 11.99, b = 9.48 , a nd c= 6.97 A , a =90.8°, z= 4 , and space group P2, or P2dm. From a co mpa ri son with tbe wo rk of Trom e l a nd Zaminer , it is co nc luded th at thi s s alt has monoclini c a nd orthorho mbi c modifi· ca ti ons with th e mos t probable s pace groups be in g P2, and P2,22" respec tiv e ly.Th e res ult s s upport th e view th a t t etracalc ium ph os phate has a layer-t ype structura l re lati ons hip to h yd rox ya patite, Ca5(OH)(P04), . This wou ld acco unt, in pa rt , for variation s in th e co mpos iti ons of a patitic materi als in which the rati o Ca/p is grea te r th an 10/6, a nd it s ugges ts that tetraca lc ium phos phate may be prese nt in th e min e ra l of tooth a nd bon e.Key Words : Hilge ns toc kit e, tetraca lc ium phos phat e , h ydroxyapa tit e, bone min e ral, too th min e ra l, unit ce ll , sym me try. twinnin g.